A Message from our President
Thank you for visiting our website today. We created First Responders of MS to help you, your families and agencies. We saw the need that was missing with many areas of focus from Mental Health, Trauma and Addiction to all in between. We have created a Team of Preferred Providers who are licensed professionals that have a gift for working with First Responders. We have vetted them personally.
In the last 2 of our 4 years of founding FROM, we have determined the need is great for equipment, Fit For Duty Evaluations, Trauma Treatment and keeping you Well and healthy. You suit up and show up every day and the things that you witness can have a great impact on you. Knowing this, we have been able to partner with several agencies to assist with care for officers and Firefighters. For example: you may have a family member struggling with a medical illness and need assistance with travel expenses, hotel stays and other referrals. You may have a child or spouse who is struggling and not know which step to take next. You may have equipment needs that your agencies simply can’t provide at this time. You may have a co-worker that has exhausted all their leave due to an illness and they don’t know what to do next.
We know the burden is real no matter what your struggle is. Please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are here for you.
Our website has many resources for you too. For Assistance, You may complete a confidential application for assistance on line.
Joseph L. Rigby ( LTC (RET) Colonel)